Statement of faith.


  • We believe in one God manifest in three persons – the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


  • Jesus, the Son, was born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died as the perfect sacrifice for our sin and was resurrected on the 3rd day and is now seated in heaven at the right hand of the Father.


  • Jesus is the only way to the Father through repentance of our sin and acceptance of his sacrifice for our sin. He is our mediator and High Priest and Scripture states that He constantly intercedes for us.

The Holy Spirit

  • The Holy Spirit was sent as our Comforter and dwells within us as we accept Jesus as our Lord when we apply his sacrifice as payment for our sin debt. In accordance to Acts 3, Matthew 3:11,Mark 1:8,Luke:3:16,John 1:33,Acts 1:5,Acts 1:9, Acts 2, Acts 8:16-17, Acts 11:15-16, we can be “baptized in the Holy Spirit”. This is a greater manifestation of the Holy Spirit and is evidenced by the gifts of the Spirit as detailed in 1 Corinthians 12.

Core Values

Assembly & Preaching of the Word

  • We look to foster an atmosphere of shared-life community filled with love, joy and peace that is life-giving, transparent, and strengthening (Ephesians 4:15-16).


  • We believe in making disciples and equipping the saints (all believers) to do the ministry as salt and light in this world. We believe that Christians are called to “Be holy, for [He is] holy” and that we should exemplify purity and moral cleanliness (1 Peter 1:16).


  • We believe being missions-minded is a rule and not an option, and that it should permeate every community. The Great Commission to spread the gospel of the Kingdom is everyone’s responsibility (Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8).


  • We are a people of prayer, intercession, worship and adoration of the Lord.


  • We encourage the expression of worship to the Lord in the form of song, prophetic prayer, music, and dance. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” (Psalm 100:6).